We had the pleasure of hosting two amazing students from Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Julia Lemke and Michael Taylor worked had to create several versions of the Creative Cloud identity for our Reimagine Student Identity campaign. We photographed each version and began processing the images.
I was tasked with combining the student created assets in to one final comp for the welded and color burst identity. The students tried various ways to create the color burst, everything from blowing the powder through a cone to filling balloons and popping them to release the color. They had a friend weld the other side of the cloud as they wanted to do a soft vs hard composition.
Below you will see the steps I took to create the final piece.

Here is a take with Julia blowing the colored powder through a paper cone.

I cut Julia out so we could position her in the workspace more freely.

Michael has pushed the welded 'C' slightly so we have a bit more of the metal showing.

I cut the 'C' out again so we can position it freely.

The lighting had changed when I got to the balloon popping images from hard white to a deep tan color.

I experimented with adjusting the settings before bringing the bursts in to photoshop. However I felt I was loosing to much image so I left things as they were.

I did a quick lasso around the image and masked the background. Then I raserized the image.

I did a color select on the tan area and shift-clicked the various tan tones. I wanted to keep as much of the burst as possible.

Here is an early version of the full identity coming together. The color burst section was looking a bit light so I had to add more puffs.

Here is the final piece. It was a lot of fun playing with these assets. I can't wait to see how campaign uses this version of the Creative Cloud identity. Stay tuned, I'll update this project as I see this asset go live.
View the rest of the identities from the students here: http://bit.ly/1hFmxgq